What is Virtual Reality (VR) technology?

What is Virtual Reality (AR) technology?
Virtual Reality (VR)

In the field of technology, breakthroughs are announced regularly. One of the most innovative and revolutionary achievements in the recent years is the virtual reality (VR). In the field of the digital world, virtual reality ushers in a new era of virtualization. Virtual reality uses a headset to transport the user into a software-generated world that closely resembles the real world, where the user can sit and explore. In short, there are two worlds-one is the real world and the other is a virtual world or a graphically generated world. With the help of the appropriate softwares, such as headsets and glasses, one can get immersed in the digital world while being in one's real home.

What is Virtual Reality (AR)?

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer technology concept in which users are immersed in a virtual world (software-generated computer world) using headsets such as the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift that represents a virtual environment. Additionally, VR headsets use a technique called head tracking, which allows users to look around the environment simply by moving their head.

The goal of VR is to create a new reality that resembles the real world in some way. VR screens allow users to perceive, interact, and move in the digital world. In fact, VR is a technology that isolates the user from the real world.

What is Virtual Reality (AR) technology?
Virtual World 

For example, I've always wanted to fly the space shuttle, but I can't do that in this world for various reasons. VR technology can help make this wish come true by virtually simulating the experience of flying a space shuttle. To give an initial sense of the interior of space and the space shuttle, a composite images with high quality are created that provide a view of the universe with stars and the interior of the space shuttle. The immersive principle of the VR headset conveys the virtual sensation of flying through space on a shuttle. For example, you're developing skills that will be used in real planes, so you can start learning in the virtual world how to fly planes in a simulator (just like real pilots do in real life).

In fact, the main goal of VR is to perform tasks virtually while being in the real world. To create this sensation, VR technology tricks the brain by providing it with an environment that mimics the real world. This is how the brain perceives itself in the real world. 

There are two types of VR devices:

First headset uses a screen that is connected to a computer. This type of headset uses high-quality graphics that work well. For example, Oculus Rift, Vive and PlayStation VR, but there are also some headsets with a handheld controller that tracks user's hand movements.

What is Virtual Reality (AR) technology?
Virtual Reality VR headset 

Other headsets use mobile phones and use the screen as a display. No computer required. Graphics quality is relatively inferior to headsets with built-in screens. This makes it significantly cheaper. Examples of Mobile Set VR are Google Cardboard and Gear VR. 

Advantages of Virtual Reality:

Virtual reality is very useful for immersive learning, teaching and communicating in virtual worlds and to control an airplane, car, ship, or space shuttle. Virtual reality is very popular in the field of video games. VR is useful in the military field. It is used in flight simulators and battlefield simulations. Additionally, engineers use VR to improve the construction of buildings and vehicles. In sports, digital training helps athletes improve their performance. In medicine, VR allows future doctors to practice surgical techniques.

Disadvantages of Virtual Reality:

Virtual reality lacks the real interaction or reality of the environment. It takes the user away from reality into an artificial world. Additionally, while VR training and learning is beneficial, it is not a true alternative to physical training and learning. VR also robs us of realism and physical presence. It is just a delusion of the mind and the eye. Virtual reality helps in many ways, but nothing replaces real-world environments.

For more reading: Metaverse

Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality 


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