Lausanne peace treaty 1923- A short Summary

Lausanne peace treaty 1923- A short Summary
Peace Treaty at Lausanne 

Written in French under the banner of France, Lausanne peace treaty 1923 is the first treaty after the Ottoman caliphate that was written in other than Tuskish language, as, before this, all the agreements of Ottoman Empire with Europe were written in Turkish language. Lausanne peace treaty was in fact a tactical plan to push Turkey in particular and Muslims in general to the wall for the next 100 years. The Islamic Superpower once ruled large areas of the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and North Africa for more than 600 years desperately came to an end after the peace treaty of Lausanne, Switzerland on July 24, 1923. Surprisingly, the Lausanne treaty is going to complete its journey in 2023, raising questions about revival of the Ottoman caliphate, nationalization of strait of Bosporus, accession of former states to the Ottoman empire and the occupation of Makkah by Turkey.

Lausanne Peace treaty 1923:

Lausanne peace treaty was signed in Lausanne, Switzerland on 24 July 1923 at the end of the First World War between the Allies and Turkey. The agreement was in fact between the two greatest empires of the time, the British Empire and The Ottoman Empire. Historically, the Allies—mainly France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan defeated the Central Powers—mainly the Ottoman Empire and Germany, Austria-Hungary. Resultantly, a number of Ottoman States came under the British Empire and the Roman Empire. 
In addition, Mustafa Kamal Ataturk, the first president and founder of modern Turkey, brought the Ottoman Empire to an end in 1922. Furthermore, nationalism in Turkey grew under Mustafa Kamal and Greek Army was forced out of Anatolia, now Turkey. The relations between Europe and Turkey got more strained when Turkey repudiated the treaty of Severs. Thus, the victorious Allies was left nothing but a peace treaty with Turkey. After a long discussion, finally a treaty at Lausanne, Switzerland was finalized in 1923. This agreement is also known as a peace treaty of Lausanne. It is the agreement of Lausanne that established and recognized internationally the boundaries of modern Turkey. 

Lausanne peace treaty 1923- A short Summary
The Allies sit together to find a peace agreement with Turkey. 

Terms and conditions Lausanne peace Agreement 1923:
Among the main points of Lausanne peace treaty, Ottoman caliphate officially ceased to function and the last sultan, Mehmed VI, was exiled to Malta. Turkey was made a secular Republic with a number of restrictions on Islamic teachings. 
• Lausanne peace treaty said that Turkey had to renounce its sovereignty over Cyprus, Libya, Egypt, Syria etc. Moreover, Syria and Lebanon fell under French occupation and Egypt, Sudan, and Iraq became officially the part of British occupation.
• In order to punish Turkey, the Bosporus straits that is considered equally important to the Suez Canal, was declared open to all shipping and unrestricted civilian passage. Besides, Turkey could not collect tax either. 
• Moreover, Turkey was banned to drill and tap natural resources neither from its own land nor from other states of Ottoman Empire for the next hundred years. 

Lausanne peace treaty 1923- A short Summary
Agreement at Lausanne published in the News Paper. 

What happens if the Lausanne peace treaty expires in June 2023?
• The expiry of Lausanne peace treaty in 2023 would usher in a new era of upliftment and development in Turkey. First of all, the Ottoman Empire may likely be revived once again. 
• With the expiry of the 100-years-long treaty in 2023, Turkey will take control of Bosporus strait back, and start collecting taxes from passing ships.
• Moreover, Turkey will be able to begin gas exploration in Syria, Iraq and Libya. In addition to that, natural resources-rich Greek Islands in Agean sea will return to Turkey which had given to Greek. 
• Likewise, the end of treaty will make Turkey able to take back the control of Libya and Cyprus as well, allowing her presence in the Mediterranean region.
• On the plus side for Turkey, the country will finally be allowed to tap its vast oil and gas reserves. In short, Turkey will come out of economic, religious and geographic restrictions. 

Lausanne peace treaty 1923- A short Summary
Lozan Aniti or Monument of Lausanne Peace Treaty in Karaagac in Edirne, Turkey. 

Why the west is so fearful ? And why Recep Tayyib Erdoğan repeatedly mention New Turkey in 2023. Will really Turkey revive Ottoman Caliphate and Muslim Ummah unite again?
There is also another myth circulating in social and print media that after 2023 Turkey would occupy Khana kabbah. However, such thing had not been mentioned in the agreement. Nor did Recep Tayyib Erdoğan categorically signal it. Is it possible for Turkey to revive Ottoman Empire in 2023?


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