What is Metaverse? Explanation and examples

What is metaverse? Explanation and examples

The word "Metaverse" has been in vogue for the last few years. It was the author, Neal Stephenson, who coined the term in his sci-fi novel "Snow Crash" in 1992. In his book, Stephenson describes the Metaverse as a digital world that goes parallel to the real world. 

Such fiction world has already been discussed in stories, novels and movies. The movie like Matrix, or  even Avatar is simply one of its examples. These movies were viewed as forsee for the future. The imaginary world is now going to be the reality. 

Metaverse Community 

What is Metaverse?

Literally, however, the term "Metaverse" is a combination of two words-Meta that is derived from a Latin word, meaning "beyond" and Verse that derived from a word "Universe." Thus, we can say metaverse  is another virtual world, beyond this universe. Thus, Metaverse is  the world beyond the one we are living in.

Metaverse is the Cyber world of internet. One can enter this software- generated world through Virtual Reality (VR) headsets. In fact,  Metaverse is an umbrella term that encompasses the Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality(MR) technology. These VR headsets make the users feel present in metaverse by generating the physical sensation of actually being there. The Cyber world of internet, Metaverse, offers animation, augmentation, virtual reality, use of 5G, 5D images and countless similar technology. Metaverse can be seen as an extreme version of Zoom. 

Virtual Reality (VR)
Virtual Reality (VR)

Augmented Reality (AG)
Augmented Reality (AR)

Metaverse is similar to Video games but most advanced form of video games. This technology will form an avator or a cartoon or caricature of the user. The avator works in 3D in metaverse. Physivally, user is present in this world but actually his another being would be formed by the technology that would be in the world of internet called Metaverse.

To understand the metaverse practically, we can look at multiplayer virtual reality games such as Rec Room where participants use avators to interact with each other and manipulate their environment.

Interestingly, when the avator of the user is in the Metaverse, he can invite his other friends to join him in the Cyber world. They all avators are controlled by all the friends present at their respective computers or VR headsets. In this way, they form a community to chat, business and perform many tasks.

Mark Zuckerberg the CEO of Microsoft views the metaverse as the future of the internet. The metaverse technology is emerging very fast with the increasing use of virtual world technologies that act as platforms for users to create, develop, and interact and expand the realm of human communication, interaction, and creativity. 

Advantages and Disadvantages :

The metaverse opens up transformative opportunities. Moreover, it will be premature to to say how much the metaverse will usher in a new era of digital connectivity.

If we talk about the benefits of Metaverse, the real business meetings can be made. For example, if businessmen from different countries want to have a meeting, they, through avator, hold meeting in the Metaverse. 

More interestingly, people can buy and sell property in the Metaverse. May be one can open a restaurant or an office, conduct Live musical concerts, and visiting space and much more. The sports industry is following suit. The value of the property in the Metaverse  may increase or decrease with time. Such business forms a cryptocurrency.  Such unbelievable countless activities would begin in the Metaverse. Ever increasing business in the Metaverse will generate its own cryptocurrency and value of the currency will fluctuate with the fall and down in business in Metaverse.

However, it greatly affects international trade, relations, wars, education, health, politics, etc. It will also risk  emotionality, self existence, and personal being of a man.

Despite impressive advancements in screen technology, VR developers are still trying to address the “cybersickness”. And beyond the physical challenges of using VR is the isolating nature of it: “Once you put on the headset, you’re separated from the world around you. 

What do you think Metaverse will really change the way we communicate, do business, study, etc?

For more reading: Virtual Reality   Augmented Reality 


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