Cyber Monday- Cyber Monday vs Black Friday

Cyber Monday and Black Friday?

If you are in the U.S. and wish to buy things online, nothing comes into your mind but Cyber Monday. It is a marketing term that refers to the first Monday after Black Friday, the fourth Friday of November. It is known for online shopping deals and discounts. Cyber Monday is also known as Blue Monday. In order to avoid going to malls and supermarkets, or being stuck in the rush, and to save time, online shopping has become one of the first choices for buyers.

What is Cyber Monday?

The Cyber Monday is a holiday of online shopping that is not possible in any way at weekends. Retailers, to boost their purchase, offer possible discounts and attractive deals. A 24-hour online shopping, providing attractive discounts and big sales, is the substitute for the year-long deflation. Cyber Monday provides an opportunity for the poor and rich alike to buy anything at similar rates. For retailers, Cyber Monday is a blessing as it is the first day for many consumers after the long holiday weekend, back to work and shop online from office.

With the explosion of the Internet and e-Commerce, online shopping is the easier way for shoppers. In fact, e-Commerce is an answer to Black Friday, allowing shoppers to buy the things online they couldn’t get on Black Friday at desired rates. 

Cyber Monday and Black Friday?

Cyber Monday, a way of online shopping on Monday, is considered a commercial holiday that started in 2005. The origin of the term ‘Black Friday’ is murkier. However, due to its ever growing popularity till 2005, the National Retail Federation (NRF) first coined the term “Cyber Monday.” Later, the term gained the attention of the world for online shopping. Because of terrific growth in online shopping, the media and retailers started using the term.

Why this significant day was chosen?

Since at weekends the internet connection is rather slow, it is hard to shop online. On the contrary, when the workers arrive at the office on Mondays, the internet connection is much faster than weekends. Thus, online sales on Monday increased exponentially. Pushing back to Black Friday, Cyber Monday has become one of the biggest online shopping events. Besides, Cyber Monday is competing with Black Friday to restrict gatherings at malls and save time.

Cyber Monday is always the Monday after Thanksgiving. In 2022, it's on Monday, November 28.

Difference between Black Friday and Cyber Monday:

The Fourth Friday of November is called Black Friday. While Cyber Monday is the first Monday after Black Friday, the fourth Friday of November. Both are kinds of business with different tools and methods. On Black Friday, retailers  encourage consumers to buy with different incentives such as big deals and discounts online and in stores. However, Cyber Monday is purely e-Commerce, which is entirely based on online dealings. Cyber Monday saves time from going to malls and rush hours there. In addition, Black Friday is on a busy schedule during weekends. As a result, on these days, the Internet remains much slower and thus buyers have to visit malls. But this is not the case with Cyber Monday because this is the first working day and internet connection is much faster. Consumers from their work with just mobile do shopping. 

Whether it is Black Friday or Cyber Monday, such incentives attract the bulk of buyers around the world. Furthermore, ever growing inflation and poverty, the deals and discounts offered by such Fridays or Mondays certainly provide relief to the people. 

Read more: The US Midterm Elections, Treaty of Lausanne


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