Adolf Hitler - A Short Summary

Adolf Hitler - A Short Summary
Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler - A Short Summary

Adolf Hitler was a German nationalist, ethnocentrist, and politician. He was a man who once aspired to be a painter and musician came to be known to the world for his strong dislike of the Semetic race, which later led him to the bloody Holocaust of World War II. Adolf Hitler's blind race for the world domination had claimed millions of innocent lives. His ideology of racial superiority greatly influenced his policies and decisions. The name "Hitler" symbolized fear, terror and murder. Interestingly, at the end of WWII, Adolf Hitler along with his wife committed suicide, in order to avoid the fate faced by Mousseline of Italy. 

Adolf Hitler, known as Adi, born in April 20, 1889, in a small town of Austria. Although there isn't enough information available to establish with confidence, it is believed that Hitler was an illegitimate son of his father. His mother Klara was a dedicated housewife, and his father Alois Hitler worked in Austrian customs. Hitler's father loved reading but was not particularly a learned man. However, he had a small library that included several volumes on military affairs, which helped Hitler spark an interest in learning.

Alois Hitler, Hitler's father, had an strict and dictatorial personality. Hitler's relationship with his father was therefore strained. Hitler was utterly attached to his mother, Klara, who was a humble, quiet and diligent woman. Hitler was devastated by Klara's cancer death in December 1908, and it ended up being a fatal blow to his future.

Hitler attended school for the first time at Fischlham nearby on May 1, 1895, when he was six years old. Hitler had a penchant for painting and sketching, particularly architectural drawing. He travelled to Munich in the fall of 1905 to enrol in a private school in order to fulfil his dreams. But his authoritarian and stubborn temperament, like that of his father, prevented him from achieving his goals. He wasn't really in the mood to pay attention to the teachers. Instead of relying on what he read, he developed his own arguments based on what he observed.

Hitler travelled to Vienna following the passing of his mother in order to enrol in an art school. The Vienna Academy of Fine Arts conducted exams for potential students. Hitler travelled to Vienna for that exam. He studied really hard but still failed the test. Also, he frequently visited the Linz Opera House due to his passion in music. Hitler was very impressed with Kubizek's musical ability, since he was already proficient on the viola and trumpet.

Hitler persisted in studying and obtaining a political education. Hitler drew a lot of inspiration from Karl Lueger's Christian-Social Mayor ideas while he was in school. Hitler adopted anti-Semitic stereotypes and aimed for "purity of blood." He carried on doing this throughout his career.

In addition, in the course of his research, Hitler studied in detail racial theorists such as Lanz von Liebenfels and the Austrian-German leader Georg von Schoenerer. The young Hitler eventually grew to dislike the Jews to the extent that he thought it was the Jews who destroyed and weakened Germany with corruption, cultural, political and economic destruction. With the press, prostitution, syphilis, capitalism, Marxism, democracy and pacifism, the "Jewish people" exploited Germany and the purity of the "Aryan race".

Due to his political activities and forceful speeche in public, he was sent to prison in the fortress of Landsberg. But was released after nine months. While in prison, Hitler wrote the famous book Mein Kampf (My Struggle). Later, Mein Kampf was considered the "bible" of the Nazi Party, a political party founded by Nazi Germany. His revolutionary and strongly anti-Semitic public speeches resulted in the Nazi Party being banned. But in January 1925, the ban was lifted and Hitler was allowed to speak in public.

Hitler finally rose to the power when he decided to fight for the presidential election to be held on 5 March 1933. Hitler With the support of the nationalists won the democratic elections with a majority. Hitler then put his anti-Semitic ideology into practice. Thus, in the name of "national awakening" and "legitimate revolution", Hitler resorted to persuasion, propaganda, terror, and intimidation to secure his power. It followed a ruthless campaign to wipe out the Jews in Germany. His racial ideology alone caused more than six million Jews. This large-scale murder is known as the Holocaust.

Witnessing the Allies close in and defeated was just a step away during the WWII Hitler decided his own fate rather than at the hands of the Allies. Thus, on April 29, 1945, he married his longtime mistress Eva Braun shortly before his death. The next day, April 30, 1945, Hitler and his wife Eva Braun locked themselves in the bunker. After a while, a bullet rang out. Upon opening the door, both were found dead.

Throughout history, Hitler is known as a key figure in the Holocaust. He deeply hated the Jews and did everything to eliminate the Jews from Europe. Hitler pursued the imaginary philosophy of world conquest, thus wanting to crush all who stood in his way. Hitler, who dreamed of world domination, could not face the Allies. To avoid arrest and punishment for his crimes, Adolf Hitler committed suicide. At the time of death, Hitler's age was 56 years and 10 days.

Read more: How Hitler died?


  1. Unforgettable tragedy in human history


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